How Did The Cleveland Zoological Society Increase Online Donations 7%?


We love our clients and we are so excited to celebrate their success and share some tips about how they accomplished it.  Let’s look at one of our membership organizations.


The Cleveland Zoological Society moved from Convio to the Big River platform in August, 2013.  Preliminary results are fantastic with web revenue for 2013 up 7%!   How did they do it?


 1. Communicate Impact: CZS did an exceptional job of communicating the impact of each gift on the transaction page.  They created an array of adopt an animal options, membership options and general donation options.  By letting a donor see the impact of each instance of support, engagement is deepened and future support is more likely.


 2. Email, email, email: The Cleveland Zoological Society sent approximately 5 bazillion emails between August and the turn of the year. They reached out to lapsed members, they shared zoo news, they spread holiday cheer.  Their messages contained great images and compelling content to keep supporters connected to the organization.


 3. Be Consistant:  CZS has a beautiful website with consistent look and feel on every page.  The footer, the font, the style of the buttons, the color pallet – These are things a visitor probably won’t notice, but if they are not consistent, the visitor experience is marred, which affects engagement and leads to abandonment.  By keeping basic style elements consistent on informational pages and transaction pages, the zoological society can count on a better user experience and higher conversion rates as a result.


Kudos to our friends at the zoological society, and thanks to them for sharing their online fundraising insights!